I personally think that they can be a great tool if they help you. Some players love them, while others can’t stand them.
If you have questions about your own class or you find yourself struggling with a boss, just hop in and ask! There is so much you can learn from other tanks and the only way we get to see how other people are handling raid encounters is to talk to each other about it. Addons Addons are powerful tools that can be used to both customize your gameplay experience, ranging from graphical overlays, replacement action bars, and unit/raid frames, to performance enhancements such as rotation helping spell reminders, buff/debuff tracking, popup reminders, and boss warnings. Welcome to the fifth addon spotlight in my series on WoW rotation helper addons So far, we have taken a look at Hekili, MaxDps, Ovale, and HeroRotation.In this part, I want to take a look at the newest kid on the block an addon called Conflict Rotation Optimizer (ConRo). If you want to see how Ovale stacks up against 4 other popular rotation addons, check out my article: Best DPS Rotation Addon in WoW Overall, rotation addons are a little controversial in the World of Warcraft community.
There are numerous resources for each class that can help you optimize your character by getting the latest updates on class changes, recommended builds, and gearing choices.